I would love to collect #todayinopensource shitty comments of entitled or disrespectful users in a way that we could collectively learn something positive out of it. On the other hand, if it just degenerates into a wall of shame, it would be a fun wall of shame to look at.Wed Sep 01 12:05:24 +0000 2021
Replying to @pradyunsg
Thu Sep 02 08:47:07 +0000 2021
RT @pyblogsal: Python 3.10 is bringing a lot of cool things but how much faster is going to be? 🤔 The answer is "it depends" 😉 In the perfo…Thu Sep 02 12:55:41 +0000 2021
Replying to @choldgraf and @pradyunsg
From the article:Fri Sep 03 09:53:36 +0000 2021
"Can you interact with Gitlab via a mail-only system?"
Replace Gitlab with Discourse and you have the initial complaints about http://discuss.python.org 🙃
RT @readthedocs: Sphinx theme release 1.0.0rc1, our brand new tutorial, better private version sharing, and more: read the September editio…Fri Sep 03 12:16:34 +0000 2021
Replying to @dylanbstorey and @willmcgugan
(Disclaimer: @ericholscher is my boss)Fri Sep 03 13:52:55 +0000 2021
That post is a bit outdated, specifically "nobody has adopted CommonMark" and "lack of extensibility".
Since MyST and reST are markups that produce docutils AST, I'd say they're now semantically equivalent.
Replying to @choldgraf and @pradyunsg
I dread SF too, but nobody knows what would be the purpose of forking docutils. Like, what are the 3 big features that you'd like to see in docutils, that would directly benefit Sphinx users, that could be more easily implemented if it lived elsewhere?Fri Sep 03 13:55:39 +0000 2021
Replying to @ericholscher
Enjoy your well-deserved break! 😊Fri Sep 03 18:42:14 +0000 2021
"Sphinx-Collections is a Sphinx extension to collect and generate additional files from different sources" #sphinxdoc #sphinxSat Sep 04 13:51:46 +0000 2021
via @DanWos
Sci-Hub has been instrumental in my work in so many ways. Very few people get that, even if journals were free, the UX of "type DOI, click button, get PDF" is unbeatable.Sun Sep 05 18:10:06 +0000 2021
I dream of a world in which all research is publicly accessible without charge, and Sci-Hub is just that. https://twitter.com/ringo_ring/status/1434356217208623106
Replying to @choldgraf
I haven't tried tox, but "Unlike tox, Nox uses a standard Python file for configuration" doesn't excite me at all. I prefer declarative and static over having to write Python code for thisMon Sep 06 07:02:53 +0000 2021
Replying to @choldgraf and @willmcgugan
A terminal intersphinx explorer based on Rich? :DMon Sep 06 07:03:20 +0000 2021
Replying to @hodgesmr
Blasphemer!Mon Sep 06 10:10:58 +0000 2021
Pronto se viene la segunda edición de esta charla, ¡atentos! 🕑 https://twitter.com/poliastro_py/status/1352254012859572224Mon Sep 06 10:31:50 +0000 2021
RT @Srta_Irene: ¿Qué sitios recomendáis en Madrid para teletrabajar y así salir un poco de casa?Mon Sep 06 10:33:03 +0000 2021
✨ Comienza Septiembre y muchos seguimos…
sys.path.insert(0, pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[2].resolve().as_posix())Mon Sep 06 14:54:24 +0000 2021
God, please forgive me
Replying to @pradyunsg
Mon Sep 06 15:29:25 +0000 2021
Replying to @DegenerateConic
Mon Sep 06 15:40:30 +0000 2021
Replying to @pakitochus
Gracias por hilar un poco más fino sobre este tema. Mucha gente hacía prácticas en una empresa y luego se quedaba ahí 40 años, y no por eso dicen que "las empresas son endogámicas". (1/2)Mon Sep 06 17:45:13 +0000 2021
Replying to @pakitochus
Que tengas que estar dando tumbos por el mundo cobrando cacahuetes "por amor a la ciencia" es romantizar la precariedad, y hay que hablar claro con eso también.Mon Sep 06 17:46:04 +0000 2021
Chanchullos y prácticas endogámicas no. Llamar "endogamia" a todo como si estuviéramos en la barra de un bar, tampoco.
@PyConES ¿Alguna pista de cuándo se va a publicar la agenda, o decir a los ponentes la fecha de su ponencia? 😁Mon Sep 06 17:59:51 +0000 2021
Replying to @PyConES
¡Gracias! Ánimo 💪🏼Mon Sep 06 19:29:23 +0000 2021
The book I have always wanted to write! Check it out, it's awesome 🚀 https://twitter.com/TBeuzen/status/1434967077303951360Tue Sep 07 08:15:47 +0000 2021
Replying to @agencia_sinc
Mmm ahora mismo en portada: "14 % de niños pueden tener síntomas hasta 15 semanas después" y "el JCVI cree que los beneficios de vacunar a niños son demasiado bajos".Tue Sep 07 10:38:47 +0000 2021
La primera y en la frente 🙄 ¿en qué quedamos?
Replying to @agencia_sinc
Vale, varios profesionales comentan en la nota sobre el JCVI que no comparten la decisión. Está muy bien que estén esos comentarios ahí en la plataforma.Tue Sep 07 10:41:18 +0000 2021
RT @hillelogram: I am begging software people to talk to a single traditional engineerWed Sep 08 06:42:28 +0000 2021
Replying to @willmcgugan
long_description_content_type="text/markdown"Wed Sep 08 06:45:42 +0000 2021
Replying to @willmcgugan
Looks great! Can't find the source repository though :/Wed Sep 08 06:47:16 +0000 2021
¿Eres estudiante universitario? ¿Quieres trabajar en proyectos de software abierto ganando dinero desde tu casa? ¡Aprende cómo gracias a @gsoc!Wed Sep 08 08:59:56 +0000 2021
📅 Charla online en abierto el 21 de septiembre a las 12:00 UTC. ¡Nos vemos!
Replying to @AdamChainz
"I want to write in reStructuredText" first time I read this in 2021 🤯Wed Sep 08 11:06:04 +0000 2021
Replying to @AdamChainz
Good luck, I guess 🙈Wed Sep 08 11:44:46 +0000 2021
Replying to @TerraMeijar
Exactly the same happened to my old blog :( And I didn't want to pay for the 301 redirection, so I manually told everyone "folks, just go to the new one". I lost a lot of traffic... and also lots of motivation, in exchange for very little.Wed Sep 08 11:45:53 +0000 2021
Just blog!
Replying to @MedialabPrado and @PROYECTOR_FEST
Pero vamos a ver, ¿no habíamos dicho que esto ya no era el @MedialabPrado? Socorro @SaveTheLab https://twitter.com/ragonpobre/status/1410337592218902532Wed Sep 08 13:06:39 +0000 2021
Replying to @itsfoss2 and @brave
I always use @Ecosia ;)Wed Sep 08 14:27:40 +0000 2021
RT @dhavidearuliah: A lovely post—with wonderful illustrations—by @marsbarlee (@quansightai, @numpy_team) about ongoing work to improve acc…Thu Sep 09 06:05:44 +0000 2021
Replying to @EPythonista and @gsoc
¡Gracias por la difusión! 🙌🏼Thu Sep 09 07:53:10 +0000 2021
I analyzed over 350 @JOSS_TheOJ papers, and I'm obtaining some cool insights. This is a word cloud of "field tags" 😍 data, analysis, bioinformatics, python, machine learning, visualization are commonly used onesThu Sep 09 09:59:18 +0000 2021
Replying to @asim_picobio
Have a look at https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/wordcloud-python :)Thu Sep 09 10:35:42 +0000 2021
RT @jslbutler: Inspired by @EllaBatty and @neuromatch I've edited my undergraduate course on Numerical Analysis for Differential Equations…Fri Sep 10 08:05:26 +0000 2021
Replying to @jslbutler, @EllaBatty and @neuromatch
This is really cool! Do you accept contributions? Also, I didn't see the Jupyter Book YML config, am I missing anything?Fri Sep 10 08:06:21 +0000 2021
Replying to @choldgraf
This has affected me directly: my main open-source project, @poliastro_py, suffers from slow development because I don't feel I am able to "get the API right". And as a result, it affects all its contributors. I barely started working on addressing this.Fri Sep 10 08:19:09 +0000 2021
Replying to @choldgraf
There's one specific subset of "best practices" that I think is particularly annoying but easy to fix: code style. We have a mix of black + isort + flake8, but some contributors ignore the `tox -e reformat` step. (1/2)Fri Sep 10 08:20:35 +0000 2021
Replying to @choldgraf
On the other hand, there are a gazillion CI checks and newcomers don't know where to look at if several of them fail. Especially if several clicks are needed (Azure Pipelines, Circle CI).Fri Sep 10 08:22:22 +0000 2021
I want to find ways for these checks to leave a comment on the pull request itself. (2/2)
Replying to @helge_e, @choldgraf and @poliastro_py
For me it's a mix of: (1) knowledge gaps (I don't know Computer Science, SOLID principles, Design Patterns), (2) trying to get it *perfect* and not knowing when to stop, and (3) I actually enjoy writing algorithms more than designing APIs when things get hairy.Fri Sep 10 09:49:54 +0000 2021
RT @pradyunsg: If you were given an absurbly large amount of money and told: Improve Python's Packaging story with this.Sat Sep 11 10:15:35 +0000 2021
What problems wou…
Replying to @GonzaParra_ and @CaixaEnginyers
y @bancaeticaSat Sep 11 21:32:26 +0000 2021
RT @C_Cripps: 81% of #Horizon2020 papers were published in open access | Science|Business #openscience #highered #Europe https://t.co/o4gL…Mon Sep 13 07:13:54 +0000 2021
Curious about some talk summaries written in a mysterious language:Mon Sep 13 12:46:35 +0000 2021
"In this talk, we will present some tools and libraries you can use to document your code"
I mean, what's so secret about the tools you will present that they can't be disclosed upfront? What's the summary for?
Replying to @melissawm
Been talking about doing something similar for @readthedocs for months. Glad to see I'm not alone!Mon Sep 13 13:43:56 +0000 2021
Replying to @gmarkall
That could be a possible explanation... But do people actually do that these days? 🤯Mon Sep 13 14:00:42 +0000 2021
Just sent an email, hope the actual summary is "available upon request"
These Gantt charts are so beautiful, I wish we could have something similar on Python land 😭 closest is @plotlygraphs https://twitter.com/icymi_r/status/1435910399933784070Mon Sep 13 15:58:19 +0000 2021
RT @readthedocs: Brace yourselves! sphinx-rtd-theme 1.0.0 is officially out 🎉 https://pypi.org/project/sphinx-rtd-theme/1.0.0/Mon Sep 13 20:32:19 +0000 2021
Install it with `pip install "sphinx…
@PyConES ¿Las charlas se retransmitirán en abierto por algún sitio, o serán visibles solo para asistentes?Tue Sep 14 08:23:54 +0000 2021
Replying to @CienciaConFutur and @ElSaltoDiario
¿Cuál es la sentencia del Juzgado de lo Social nº 7 en la que se dice eso? (Estaría bien acostumbrarse a enlazar o mencionar las fuentes, a algunos nos gusta comprobar la información)Tue Sep 14 10:47:21 +0000 2021
RT @gvwilson: Are you a grad student in SE or CSCW? Do you want to tackle something that would help a lot of people and get you a lot of at…Tue Sep 14 13:41:06 +0000 2021
Replying to @hjwp
- Drop asyncio and pattern matching altogetherTue Sep 14 14:32:55 +0000 2021
- Redo annotations and gradual typing from scratch
- Offer "preferably only one" way to install, package, and distribute Python library code that doesn't require command line access (like in R) and is compatible with compiled code
The responses to this thread bring me so much joy. This was unthinkable 10 years ago... I am so happy to have invested so much effort in the Python ecosystem and its community ♥️ https://twitter.com/Ales42/status/1437782380241211399Tue Sep 14 20:56:08 +0000 2021
Replying to @hjwp
(To clarify: drop asyncio, not async - and let Trio fill the gap)Tue Sep 14 21:16:30 +0000 2021
RT @HacktoberfestES: ¡#HacktoberfestES 2021 ya está aquí! Diviértete y aprende en compañía contribuyendo al código abierto. Toda la informa…Wed Sep 15 08:46:20 +0000 2021
Replying to @willmcgugan
We have been thinking about these problems along with @reydelhumo at @readthedocs as well. As others replied, the Python docs is an interesting example because each team decided what to do. We are struggling with our own docs. Happy to discuss these things cc @tacosdedatosWed Sep 15 10:08:37 +0000 2021
I wonder how PEP 588 -- GitHub Issues Migration Plan is going? https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0588/ I'd like to open a documentation issue, I guess I still have to use Roundup? cc @mariattaWed Sep 15 10:13:30 +0000 2021
Replying to @pradyunsg and @mariatta
Thanks a lot for the pointers! Looks like it has effectively stalled. Will register to Roundup then.Wed Sep 15 10:39:23 +0000 2021
RT @matplotlib: We are incredibly excited to announce that we've been awarded a @NASA ROSES grant for open source tools, frameworks, and li…Thu Sep 16 07:32:18 +0000 2021
RT @PyConES: ¿A que os gusta que los proyectos estén bien documentados? El sábado @juanluisback nos enseñará a crear fácilmente la document…Thu Sep 16 09:18:39 +0000 2021
¡Nos vemos en la #PyConES21! https://twitter.com/PyConES/status/1438431211756589057Thu Sep 16 09:18:48 +0000 2021
Replying to @rafrak_raiver and @w_muntean
Llego tarde pero soy uno de los autores, cualquier sugerencia es bienvenida :)Thu Sep 16 13:19:43 +0000 2021
RT @FabClimate: Why aren't you writing more papers?Fri Sep 17 06:16:25 +0000 2021
I have urgent problems to solve, such as dealing with a bug in rasterio for @OGGM_org…
RT @alecura: Made this little shrine to honor Saint Clive... I mean, Sir Clive Sinclair. He had the vision to build supercheap computers fo…Fri Sep 17 13:59:28 +0000 2021
Replying to @pradyunsg
Fingers crossed!Fri Sep 17 15:41:37 +0000 2021
Replying to @vantpc and @linuxmint
¡Espectacular! Me encanta 😍 Congrats @Linux_Mint , awesome job!Fri Sep 17 15:42:38 +0000 2021
RT @rosiesherry: Lurkers are not lurkers, they are people who consume and participate in different ways.Sat Sep 18 16:47:46 +0000 2021
Let's redefine lurkers, they are:…
RT @rasbt: "A Farewell to the Bias-Variance Tradeoff?Sat Sep 18 17:25:18 +0000 2021
An Overview of the Theory of Overparameterized Machine Learning" (https://t.co/6zFxHe…
Replying to @pradyunsg
Yep https://github.com/pypa/packaging.python.org/issues/912 (among other things)Sun Sep 19 15:02:57 +0000 2021
Replying to @HEPfeickert and @pradyunsg
Awesome 🙌🏼Sun Sep 19 15:13:55 +0000 2021
RT @astropy: We are delighted to announce that the Astropy project received significant funding from @NASA ROSES. Huge thanks to our contri…Mon Sep 20 13:25:20 +0000 2021
Replying to @rosiesherry
As others have said, I'm usually overwhelmed with notifications when I enter a new community. No system is perfect, but I particularly dislike Discord model of "everybody is in every channel by default". At least we can mute channels by category though.Mon Sep 20 14:33:43 +0000 2021
Replying to @gvwilson
Would be cool to add a "settled" (better word needed?) section on the blog!Mon Sep 20 14:35:36 +0000 2021
Replying to @TrelloStatus
Still not working over here.Mon Sep 20 16:31:14 +0000 2021
RT @HacktoberfestES: ¿Quieres ganar dinero mientras estudias y contribuyes al código abierto? Conoce el Google Summer of Code de la mano de…Mon Sep 20 16:31:25 +0000 2021
Counter point: Slack is actually much better for productivity than email -- it's designed to avoidMon Sep 20 16:39:35 +0000 2021
Hello Mr. Cano,
I hope this email finds you well. <Unrelated gibberish> <More salutation> <Actual request> <Huge useless HTML signature> <Huge pile of quoted replies> <Huge pile o https://twitter.com/Mike_Kaminsky/status/1439709955075067906
RT @Spyder_IDE: 💕 Today seems like a great day to say thanks to that open source contributor that replied to your issue! 💕Mon Sep 20 17:57:36 +0000 2021
Replying to @alhuelamo
It is no surprise that people get frustrated if they have asynchronous expectations from synchronous tools (Slack) or synchronous expectations from asynchronous tools (email).Tue Sep 21 07:30:25 +0000 2021
¡Nos vemos en 90 minutos! https://twitter.com/juanluisback/status/1435528316904255490Tue Sep 21 10:27:45 +0000 2021
RT @poliastro_py: Tomorrow @juanluisback will give a talk about poliastro at Open Space Singapore 🚀 See you there! https://openspacesg.com/events.htmlThu Sep 23 07:36:38 +0000 2021
Replying to @andrewgodwin
Do young devs use books anymore? 😄 (I have the feeling that they prefer videos these days)Thu Sep 23 07:39:24 +0000 2021
Replying to @batool664, @ccglobalsummit, @aneldavdw, @github, @crowdin and @ZENODO_ORG
Looks awesome! How can we know more?Thu Sep 23 07:54:45 +0000 2021
I'm in love with this post. Lurkers are readers, learners, watchers, explorers, followers, and much more ♥️ https://twitter.com/rosiesherry/status/1440731029577232391Thu Sep 23 10:12:11 +0000 2021
RT @jnuneziglesias: “available upon request” ≈ not available.Thu Sep 23 13:03:39 +0000 2021
RT @pawamoy: mkdocstrings 0.16 now on pypi! Highlight of this release: support for Sphinx inventories! You can now cross-link to external A…Fri Sep 24 10:40:01 +0000 2021
Replying to @Ewjoachim and @pradyunsg
I feel so frustrated about this. Travis CI was the best and simplest CI for a long time. Also, I loved that it was a non-US company. Its demise is just so sad, and this tweet feels like a bad joke.Fri Sep 24 12:07:58 +0000 2021
Replying to @SandPara_
Por suerte varias revistas ya no aceptan artículos que usen esa imagen, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-018-0337-2 y https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/journals/optical-engineering/volume-57/issue-12/120101/Farewell-Lena/10.1117/1.OE.57.12.120101.full?SSO=1. Y creo que todos los proyectos de código abierto la reemplazaron hace ~5 años https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/issues/1855Fri Sep 24 12:55:59 +0000 2021
RT @shemakesnoise: Ya está disponible todo el programa de #SheMakesNoise. Os esperamos en @LaCasaEncendida del 21 al 24 de octubre con una…Fri Sep 24 14:14:45 +0000 2021
I've just ordered the new 10 Year Smartphone, you should check it out 😉 https://10yearphone.com #10yearphoneSun Sep 26 12:06:07 +0000 2021
RT @danaedholakia: #OpenScience gave us COVID’s genomic sequence in just 1 month. Sharing research accelerates action on the most pressing…Sun Sep 26 12:23:14 +0000 2021
Follow @gvwilson for your daily reminder that everything you knew about software engineering is wrong 🤯 https://twitter.com/gvwilson/status/1442112477202845708Sun Sep 26 15:08:21 +0000 2021
Adding this to my personal list of "tweets that didn't age well" (nah, I don't have such a list, but it would be cool to build a Twitter bot to act as such - assuming Twitter still exists in 10 years, which is a strong assumption) https://twitter.com/alexadelman/status/1441997327808532481Sun Sep 26 19:05:53 +0000 2021
🌶️ https://twitter.com/KozRoss/status/1442193903386443780Mon Sep 27 07:39:14 +0000 2021
RT @OpenRCommunity: Open Science, such as Open Access to empirical data, scholarly findings and research methods, is likely to be a critica…Mon Sep 27 10:55:59 +0000 2021
RT @maddi_pow: Really proud of this new paper in @PWQ4U with @DrSofiaPersson. We argue that #OpenScience may provide useful tools to addres…Mon Sep 27 12:39:16 +0000 2021
RT @ralex1993: This weekend, someone asked me "What is documentation." Here was my answer.Mon Sep 27 21:23:09 +0000 2021
"So, pretty much all of programming is speaking…
RT @pwang: It is AMAZING to see how much #Python open source is used in space sciences, and I am thrilled and proud to see @NASA validating…Tue Sep 28 07:45:32 +0000 2021
Replying to @ZaneSelvans, @choldgraf and @readthedocs
Sounds cool! Do you have a link to the source code?Tue Sep 28 08:05:06 +0000 2021
Hoy, 28 de septiembre, es el #DiaDelAccesoALaInfo , declarado por @UN .Tue Sep 28 09:09:41 +0000 2021
Si te preocupan la #transparencia institucional y que se abran los datos del Registro Mercantil, hoy es día de asociarse a @civio . https://twitter.com/civio/status/1442764202360418305
RT @UN: To achieve the #GlobalGoals & leave no one behind, access to accurate information is essential.Tue Sep 28 09:20:01 +0000 2021
More from @UNESCO on Tuesday's #Ac…
Replying to @anton_caceres and @PyconOdessa
That looks awesome 😍 Is there any writeup from the organizers about the logistics of outdoors events? I'd worry about lightning conditions for the presentations and the audio system, but I see more and more teams are figuring this out!Tue Sep 28 10:26:15 +0000 2021
Replying to @yuvipanda, @choldgraf and @_msw_
"Systematization"?Tue Sep 28 14:02:42 +0000 2021
Replying to @ecanrog and @syllabus_tweets
Todavía no está en Sci-Hub :(Tue Sep 28 17:10:06 +0000 2021
Replying to @ecanrog
MD!Wed Sep 29 08:33:04 +0000 2021
RT @pyblogsal: Join us at the Python 3.10 release party 🥳 that we are organising with the good people of @PythonDiscord. We will have sever…Wed Sep 29 08:35:15 +0000 2021
Replying to @Cangreja533 and @baxtian
El pensamiento ingenieril, en mi opinión, lo da todo el resto de materias, la forma de enseñar, y el tipo de problemas que se resuelven. Un lenguaje es un lenguaje.Wed Sep 29 08:42:58 +0000 2021
Firmado: un ingeniero aeronáutico que aprendió PHP, HTML, ActionScript 3, FORTRAN 90, y Python por hobby.
Replying to @choldgraf, @alex_ander and @HassonLab
And yet, Twitter is not even a decent place to archive peer review comments...Wed Sep 29 08:44:27 +0000 2021
RT @pradyunsg: Starting next month, pip will be capable of making editable installs for non-setuptools projects.Wed Sep 29 16:21:42 +0000 2021
Replying to @mari_meir
I've seen lots of people happy with @webflow and @Wix !Wed Sep 29 16:24:10 +0000 2021
Replying to @mari_meir, @webflow and @Wix
Yes, it's like an online website builder, all hosted by themselves. The free version does quite some things.Wed Sep 29 16:43:55 +0000 2021
My brother is a medical doctor and actor, doesn't have any technical background, and he created his personal website there :) http://www.jaimecano.actor
Replying to @jonmmease
I totally agree with @nicolaskruchten , your work on Plotly 3 and Plotly 4 was *epic*. @poliastro_py proudly leverages Plotly for its 3D orbital plots, and I was so happy to see it evolve, embrace Jupyter widgets, and then gaining the renderers.Thu Sep 30 21:21:12 +0000 2021
Best luck on your new adventures!
RT @Adalab_Digital: ¡Ampliamos nuestro equipo! ¿Nos ayudas a difundir? 🚀Thu Sep 30 21:55:38 +0000 2021
No necesitamos que tengas experiencia como #docente, pero sí que s…