@juanluisback Twitter archive

Replying to @TerraMeijar

"Linux Mint is the worst operative system

...except for all those other operative systems that have been tried from time to time" 😃
 Fri Aug 06 08:36:07 +0000 2021

Replying to @dontusethiscode, @numpy_team and @pandas_dev

What are your favourite educational materials for numpy and pandas? (No need for them to be free)
 Fri Aug 06 08:39:09 +0000 2021

Replying to @pradyunsg

I bet it's the same person https://twitter.com/codewithanthony/status/1416064544129028098
 Fri Aug 06 08:44:02 +0000 2021

Replying to @reydelhumo and @agustin_cataldi

Y va a peor, en vez de a mejor 😓
 Fri Aug 06 08:46:08 +0000 2021

I have an idea: if and only if a different team on a different continent reproduces your paper, it's Science. Before that, it's a glorified blog post (with premium access if it's published in a journal).

Good morning! #phdchat
 Fri Aug 06 08:49:22 +0000 2021

RT @simonw: TIL about the codespell Python package for checking spelling:

codespell docs/*.rst --ignore-words docs/ignore.txt

Found a…
 Fri Aug 06 09:05:18 +0000 2021

Replying to @choldgraf

I've been using https://launchpad.net/~git-core/+archive/ubuntu/ppa for years, no complaints. Installing git with conda-forge looks excessive to me...
 Fri Aug 06 14:30:08 +0000 2021

RT @heycurlytop: I said it
 Fri Aug 06 17:11:18 +0000 2021

RT @brettsky: New blog post covering how to deal with various ways you can botch a release on PyPI (covering the whole release being bad, t…
 Sat Aug 07 09:09:10 +0000 2021

Replying to @ocefpaf, @ralfgommers and @choldgraf

"All you need to learn" is `conda install`, then `-c conda-forge`, then `mamba`, then `--revisions 0` when something breaks...

From my experience teaching conda to beginners, this sounds overly optimistic. I am very wary of touching the base environment, too many crazy errors.
 Sat Aug 07 11:26:29 +0000 2021

Replying to @jeremyphoward and @157239n

There are some tradeoffs though. For example, NumPy-style docstrings have other sections, like Examples, References, and so forth. AFAIU docments syntax cannot be easily extended to support those, so users that want them would need to write a full napoleon-compliant docstring.
 Sat Aug 07 12:20:21 +0000 2021

Replying to @jeremyphoward and @157239n

In any case, docments looks like a great solution for simple docstrings, and being able to not repeat parameter names and types is awesome. I would love to have the best of both worlds :)
 Sat Aug 07 12:21:06 +0000 2021

RT @sdelquin: Seguimos a tope con #Twitch. Próxima semana tenemos a una super invitada! Estaremos #alegando con @yodralopez 👩🏻‍💻 y estoy se…
 Sun Aug 08 10:37:39 +0000 2021

RT @gvwilson: It's been pointed out that the papers currently on the to-do list for https://neverworkintheory.org/ are skewed toward data mining -…
 Sun Aug 08 16:19:44 +0000 2021

Replying to @codewithanthony and @pradyunsg

Plot twist: they make homophobic jokes🤦🏼‍♂️
 Sun Aug 08 20:23:28 +0000 2021

RT @emollick: The Open Syllabus compiles assigned readings from 7.2 million syllabi, listed by subject (plus check out the map of all readi…
 Mon Aug 09 06:26:02 +0000 2021

"climate anxiety" yahoo answers
 Mon Aug 09 11:46:45 +0000 2021

Replying to @StefanKarpinski

If the primary user base is not professional programmers, along with R, MATLAB, SAS, VB and such... does Julia still count as a "general purpose language"?
 Mon Aug 09 14:53:29 +0000 2021

RT @sktime_toolbox: Next week! Community members and new joiners of all experience levels are welcome to the doc #sprint. Contribute to a g…
 Mon Aug 09 16:30:43 +0000 2021

Replying to @arclight

 Mon Aug 09 17:14:06 +0000 2021

RT @readthedocs: We have a new colleague, our #sphinxdoc tutorial is public, Python 3.10 beta in our images, and more: read the latest edit…
 Mon Aug 09 20:59:23 +0000 2021

Replying to @jonesusHchrist and @SolBrah

I have been using Matrix for 4+ years for all my open source projects, I love that it exists, and they keep making great progress. However, saying that Matrix is easier than Telegram is blatant lies, and you know it. They have lots of UX issues, E2EE is basically a nightmare, +
 Tue Aug 10 08:14:28 +0000 2021

Replying to @jonesusHchrist and @SolBrah

the apps are still very rough (especially the Android one, since they migrated a while ago and it's not feature complete), and I could go on.

I have *never* lost history data with Telegram, it's there since I started using it. It's seamless to use, it's very polished. +
 Tue Aug 10 08:15:54 +0000 2021

Replying to @jonesusHchrist and @SolBrah

Sure, it's not E2EE by default. But at least it doesn't make false promises like WhatsApp, which stores " " "encrypted" " " chats in... the Google cloud. Signal is good, but desktop apps are still a joke.

You can make your point without spreading FUD.
 Tue Aug 10 08:17:19 +0000 2021

Still gives me chills every time I listen to it ♥️ https://twitter.com/juanluisback/status/1402910873165963267
 Tue Aug 10 09:52:42 +0000 2021

RT @brettsky: If you have a package on PyPI that doesn't have a wheel that will install on Python 3.10 for your latest release, please cons…
 Tue Aug 10 14:49:39 +0000 2021

RT @quansightai: A security issue has been identified with #JupyterLab and #Jupyter Notebook. Make sure you are running the recommended ver…
 Tue Aug 10 16:38:59 +0000 2021

Replying to @simonw and @readthedocs

Thanks a lot for the writeup! I was in the middle of studying autodoc for the new Sphinx tutorial https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/pull/9534 will draw some inspiration from your post :)
 Wed Aug 11 09:41:08 +0000 2021

Replying to @gvwilson

 Wed Aug 11 14:22:33 +0000 2021

RT @choldgraf: long term, we'll all be better off if there is a healthy competitive marketplace of vendors, with technology that is not sol…
 Thu Aug 12 06:35:48 +0000 2021

Replying to @westurner, @readthedocs, @ericholscher, @caption_pop and @transifex

It is indeed available, but notice the .html at the end of the URL https://docs.python-requests.org/es/latest/user/quickstart.html

Looks like the configuration of the projects is not uniform. Would you open an issue on the requests tracker? Feel free to ping me, happy to help!
 Thu Aug 12 08:55:20 +0000 2021

Replying to @westurner, @readthedocs, @ericholscher, @caption_pop and @transifex

Also, can you clarify what do you mean about Caption, Weblate, and Transifex?
 Thu Aug 12 08:56:02 +0000 2021

Replying to @westurner, @readthedocs, @ericholscher, @caption_pop and @transifex

Unfortunately, the last commit to https://github.com/requests/requests-docs-es was 5 years ago :(
 Thu Aug 12 09:03:14 +0000 2021

Replying to @westurner, @readthedocs, @ericholscher, @caption_pop, @transifex, @captionpop, @choldgraf, @en and @es

Better integration with translation services like @WeblateOrg would definitely be a plus. We struggle with this ourselves https://github.com/readthedocs/readthedocs.org/issues/4462

Putting that info in the markup itself is a totally different workflow though. @reydelhumo surely has thoughts on this as well
 Thu Aug 12 09:36:54 +0000 2021

RT @pyodide: Pyodide 0.18.0 is now available.

This releases includes Python 3.9.5, experim…
 Thu Aug 12 10:14:30 +0000 2021

Replying to @nicholdav and @vboykis

 Fri Aug 13 10:14:15 +0000 2021

ipdb> p Sun in _FRAME_MAPPING
ipdb> p Sun in list(_FRAME_MAPPING.keys())

 Fri Aug 13 10:37:22 +0000 2021

Replying to @juanluisback

This is the biggest WTF moment I've ever had with Python, ever
 Fri Aug 13 10:38:03 +0000 2021

Replying to @gise_rossi

Ingeniero aeronáutico convertido en developer advocate sirve? 😅
 Fri Aug 13 15:00:36 +0000 2021

Replying to @rdbisme

 Fri Aug 13 15:00:49 +0000 2021

Replying to @gise_rossi

Voy! ^^
 Sat Aug 14 07:14:48 +0000 2021

RT @arxiv: The precursor to arXiv was a preprint exchange email list started and curated by Joanne Cohn, who is now a UC Berkeley cosmologi…
 Sat Aug 14 07:16:27 +0000 2021

This is honestly the first time I feel excitement about a Linux distribution. Been a proud user and sponsor of @Linux_Mint for years, but the @elementary folks are doing impressive design and usability work, and they have good marketing. Congratulations for the release! https://twitter.com/elementary/status/1425124987841781760
 Sun Aug 15 08:29:34 +0000 2021

Any news from @SciPyIndia , @ScipyJapan or @EuroSciPy in the second half of the year? 😋
 Sun Aug 15 15:34:01 +0000 2021

Does @JOSS_TheOJ have an API where I can get a listing of paginated papers, and details about source repositories and such?
 Mon Aug 16 10:07:47 +0000 2021

I have just discovered https://mkdocstrings.github.io/ by @pawamoy, @oprypin and others, which allows writing Python docstrings in Markdown, among other things. What do you think? Is this the future of Python docstrings, or will you stay with reStructuredText?
 Mon Aug 16 12:00:02 +0000 2021

Replying to @fperez_org and @rdbisme

Not weird hashing behavior to my knowledge - it's a namedtuple with __slots__ and a custom __new__ https://github.com/poliastro/poliastro/blob/6b9e5a2ef5233e10ce557257f7d369159a82338f/src/poliastro/bodies.py#L40-L90
 Tue Aug 17 06:27:45 +0000 2021

RT @PamphileRoy: I presented SciPy's new QMC submodule at MCM2021 yesterday. Looking forward for further collaborations on SciPy with the c…
 Tue Aug 17 11:09:20 +0000 2021

RT @isidroaguillo: UPDATED: Ranking of OA Portals of Journals according to Google Scholar
 Tue Aug 17 13:59:00 +0000 2021

RT @gvwilson: Two papers on Python language features and their usage https://neverworkintheory.org/2021/08/17/python-language-features.html Uptake of (backward-incompatible) Python 3 was…
 Tue Aug 17 16:47:55 +0000 2021

Replying to @DegenerateConic, @pawamoy and @oprypin

I think it requires @MkDocsProject https://mkdocstrings.github.io/#quick-usage
 Wed Aug 18 06:57:31 +0000 2021

Replying to @westurner, @readthedocs and @ericholscher

Would love to pick your brain one of these days to discuss Linked Data and scientific citations in Sphinx and Read the Docs, may I send you an email? :)
 Wed Aug 18 07:07:10 +0000 2021

RT @rabernat: Such a useful post! In the end, to refactor and accelerate a legacy toolkit with custom data structures / algorithms, they re…
 Wed Aug 18 07:40:24 +0000 2021

Replying to @giffmana

What is the original Schmidthuber post? :D
 Wed Aug 18 08:53:26 +0000 2021

From @github support today: "Seemingly the domain http://hey.com is not supported by our systems."

Dear @heyhey, is this a known issue? Seems really unfortunate.
 Wed Aug 18 11:01:13 +0000 2021

"Based on random effects models, reading from screens had a negative effect on reading performance relative to paper" 🤯 https://twitter.com/EllisTangents/status/1427773732563701763
 Wed Aug 18 11:03:35 +0000 2021

Thinking *a lot* these days about this article by @jacobian, "Embrace the grind" https://jacobian.org/2021/apr/7/embrace-the-grind/

"People said I did the impossible, but that’s wrong: I merely did something so boring that nobody else had been willing to do it."
 Wed Aug 18 11:19:42 +0000 2021

Replying to @choldgraf

Old open source issues never die @herraiz 😋
 Wed Aug 18 15:51:06 +0000 2021

Replying to @thedatawarlock_, @dipuavila, @IncendiosES, @El_Batefuegos and @InfuesAvila

Heno, paja, agua... 💔 https://twitter.com/larrymeath/status/1353120935134564359
 Wed Aug 18 15:56:52 +0000 2021

Replying to @alyxw, @liberachat and @Twitch

Yeah, the number of users is also more or less the same ;)
 Thu Aug 19 06:24:12 +0000 2021

Replying to @westurner, @readthedocs and @ericholscher

Wow, a million thanks for the links! That's a lot to digest - to make the meeting more productive, let me go over all this first and we can schedule something for September, how does that sound?
 Thu Aug 19 06:27:08 +0000 2021

Replying to @fmisle

Apparently I'll have to, yes https://twitter.com/heyhey/status/1385651800448147458
 Thu Aug 19 08:36:22 +0000 2021

RT @mrocklin: With the rise in tech valuations and budgets, engineering departments would be wise to build a culture of training and leveli…
 Thu Aug 19 13:49:48 +0000 2021

Replying to @patrickmineault

normal venv
 Sun Aug 22 22:01:50 +0000 2021

RT @amuellerml: A huge step for scikit-learn (that might seem small) got merge today: https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/pull/18010 by @thomasjpfan This warns (a…
 Mon Aug 23 06:13:01 +0000 2021

Replying to @Divya_M_P

I think we will survive, but we are gearing towards a miserable world, with pollution and scarcity of basic goods. My only coping strategies are to do what's within my immediate reach and read the stoics @dailystoic

It doesn't always help, but I'm tired of feeling full of dread
 Mon Aug 23 07:15:54 +0000 2021

Replying to @juanluisback

I refined some scripts by @jimjonquinn and it's working! https://github.com/astrojuanlu/joss-scraper

Working on some data project related to documentation in scientific software, hope to share some results in some weeks 🤓
 Mon Aug 23 08:17:22 +0000 2021

RT @MrAhmednurAli: Misinformation is never behind a paywall.
 Mon Aug 23 09:15:56 +0000 2021

Replying to @LadybugPodcast

Yesterday I was deciding which OAuth2 library to use for a project. 2 of them had very bad documentation, with lots of jargon. 1 of them had an example of exactly what I needed. I chose the latter :)
 Tue Aug 24 05:59:49 +0000 2021

I have never used Tableau but this is probably right. We coders struggle with the idea that point-and-click software *does* have value. Yes, Turing-complete programming languages are infinitely cool and powerful. But 90 % of use cases can be covered with 3 clicks in 1 minute. https://twitter.com/HamelHusain/status/1429908959851286528
 Tue Aug 24 06:07:48 +0000 2021

RT @LadybugPodcast: It’s easy to overlook documentation when building an app but it can make or break a user’s experience. Today we discuss…
 Tue Aug 24 06:18:45 +0000 2021

RT @story645: @juanluisback I used to very much 🙄 at tableau but then I started teaching pivot tables a lot & oh tableau makes it dead simp…
 Tue Aug 24 06:31:20 +0000 2021

Replying to @story645

Same happened to me in my early engineering days. I used to scoff at MATLAB and Simulink, and thought that everybody ought to learn programming. This was probably conditioned by the fact that there were not many good open-source graphical tools. This worldview is too narrow.
 Tue Aug 24 06:33:24 +0000 2021

Trying to understand documentation best practices in R packages. Reference docs are .Rd files in man/, usually generated by roxygen2. Guides and tutorials are "vignettes" written in .Rmd. Some packages use pkgdown to create websites that also may contain docs.

Missing anything?
 Tue Aug 24 06:42:00 +0000 2021

Replying to @juanluisback

(By the way, the "R Packages" book https://r-pkgs.org/ is so good!)
 Tue Aug 24 06:42:01 +0000 2021

Replying to @juanluisback

And I have discovered other options, like @rOpenSci (which also hosts docs), Sweave, and RDocumentation.
 Tue Aug 24 07:27:43 +0000 2021

RT @adriengnt: SciPy performances improvement thanks to Pythran, the summary of a GSoC: http://serge-sans-paille.github.io/pythran-stories/gsoc21-improve-performance-through-the-use-of-pythran.html

Very nice to see Pythran g…
 Tue Aug 24 12:52:39 +0000 2021

Replying to @iamslavina and @OriolAbril

You might want to check out https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/, which is all the cool things about reStructuredText plus the Markdown familiarity :)
 Tue Aug 24 12:54:58 +0000 2021

Replying to @OriolAbril and @iamslavina

The @writethedocs community is awesome 💟 and quite active!
 Tue Aug 24 12:55:23 +0000 2021

RT @x2plusy2: @GabrielG439 Truth. Python 3 was released on Dec 3, 2008. Because Python 2 is bundled with CentOS 7, which is supported until…
 Wed Aug 25 14:15:08 +0000 2021

Replying to @dontusethiscode and @matplotlib

What are in your opinion the most useful post-0.98 matplotlib APIs that people are not using?
 Wed Aug 25 14:17:07 +0000 2021

Excited to see this come true at last! https://twitter.com/readthedocs/status/1430556858570338312
 Wed Aug 25 15:48:21 +0000 2021

Los bares abiertos de par en par, y mi barrio hace más de un año sin biblioteca. https://twitter.com/LibrosCMadrid/status/1278951351255523328
 Thu Aug 26 08:17:56 +0000 2021

Replying to @MakespaceMadrid and @DeutscheBankES

Ir en persona a dar la brasa si es que aún tenéis ganas de manteneros en @DeutscheBankES. Pero vamos, que yo a estas alturas ya me cambiaría de banco sí o sí.
 Thu Aug 26 09:26:22 +0000 2021

Replying to @hynek

mkdocstrings already has inventories, and they will be released very soon https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/pull/310

I am very invested on Sphinx and MyST at the moment. But we can't ignore that good visual defaults and "perceived simplicity" are important for Developer Experience.
 Thu Aug 26 09:55:46 +0000 2021

Replying to @hynek

In other words: yes, *today*, MkDocs + mkdocstrings are objectively inferior to Sphinx. Yes, *today* one can write beautiful Markdown with all the power of reST.

But all these are temporary technical issues, and things are changing fast.
 Thu Aug 26 09:57:26 +0000 2021

Replying to @MakespaceMadrid and @DeutscheBankES

Siento muchísimo que estéis así. No hay derecho a este "ghosting". O sea: si tienen algún problema con vosotros, que lo digan y punto.

Os deseo mucho ánimo y suerte encontrando un banco nuevo. @fiareBE
 Thu Aug 26 09:59:47 +0000 2021

Replying to @hynek

In the Sphinx inner circle there's too much sentimental attachment towards reStructuredText. Some people don't seem to acknowledge that docutils is an excellent project, while reST has lost the markup language battle.

docutils living in SourceForge doesn't help.
 Thu Aug 26 10:03:02 +0000 2021

Replying to @hynek

Your tweet appeared after a "sphinx mkdocs" search on this site. Not trying to "win" anything, just adding some new information on things that have happened in the past months.
 Thu Aug 26 10:36:57 +0000 2021

RT @KyleCranmer: I just got a graphing calculator for my son and it has…. Python!
 Thu Aug 26 11:06:55 +0000 2021

RT @gmarkall: Want to find out who the users of your open source project really are? Easy! Simply create a broken release, and they’ll make…
 Fri Aug 27 06:28:51 +0000 2021

RT @PyLatam: ¡Hola a todos!

El correo con los accesos a la plataforma de straming de #PyConLatam21 ya fue enviado. Revisen sus correos inc…
 Fri Aug 27 06:29:46 +0000 2021

Replying to @itsdeannat

I think boils down to good wording. If you write a heading saying "Assumptions:" and then a bullet list, that might feel a bit aggressive IMO. I try to explain who can benefit from the tutorial and leaving the door open for more.
 Fri Aug 27 06:31:18 +0000 2021

Replying to @rabernat, @ZENODO_ORG and @github

For real? 😓
 Fri Aug 27 06:32:07 +0000 2021

Replying to @PyLatam

Recibí el correo de Hubilo, ¿debería tener otro?
 Fri Aug 27 06:33:00 +0000 2021

¡Nos vemos en unos minutos en la #PyConLatam21 hablando de Sphinx, documentación, Markdown, y @readthedocs!

 Fri Aug 27 15:49:17 +0000 2021

Replying to @juanluisback

Les dejo el repositorio con el material de la charla en mi GitHub:


¡Gracias de nuevo @PyLatam!
 Fri Aug 27 17:01:29 +0000 2021

Replying to @itsdeannat

For reference, this is my most recent creation: the Sphinx tutorial https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/tutorial/index.html
 Fri Aug 27 17:09:17 +0000 2021

RT @asclnet: "The source code is available on request"

Even if that's true now, will it be true in five years? In ten?

 Tue Aug 31 08:01:59 +0000 2021

Replying to @mutanthumb and @asclnet

GitHub is surely more reliable than a random researcher hard drive. Also: https://archiveprogram.github.com/
 Tue Aug 31 08:05:29 +0000 2021

Replying to @asclnet and @mutanthumb

Yep, that's my understanding too. In any case, I wasn't claiming that GitHub is equivalent to @internetarchive , or that they are a selfless entity without risk of disappearing in the future. My point was that, if it's online *even on GitHub*, it's already better than nothing.
 Tue Aug 31 08:13:01 +0000 2021

RT @asclnet: @juanluisback @mutanthumb @SWHeritage has copied every GitHub repo; you can get to this, and ASCL can point to it (and does if…
 Tue Aug 31 08:16:01 +0000 2021

Replying to @asclnet, @mutanthumb and @SWHeritage

This is super useful for some research I'm conducting *right now* :D thanks a lot!
 Tue Aug 31 08:17:30 +0000 2021

Replying to @sizeof

So much for the makers of "the best laptop for Linux"...
 Tue Aug 31 08:35:45 +0000 2021

Love everything about this newsletter! Lots of inspiring work ♥️ https://twitter.com/rOpenSci/status/1432607919850369024
 Tue Aug 31 09:24:22 +0000 2021

RT @gvwilson: If you (or your students) would like to help #neverworkintheory, you can submit brief reviews of research papers that you thi…
 Tue Aug 31 12:21:20 +0000 2021

RT @dhh: "Apple and Google set fire to their relationship with developers to forestall the inevitable. I hope they don't let it burn to the…
 Tue Aug 31 14:55:53 +0000 2021

My aerospace heart is so happy to see @esa release open source software, openly reviewed on @JOSS_TheOJ , and with its documentation hosted on @readthedocs ♥️ https://twitter.com/JOSS_TheOJ/status/1432743211810934786
 Tue Aug 31 17:06:19 +0000 2021